“Respect the Pedestrian Right” Campaign was successfully organized at Basantapur Durbar Square from 11:30AM to till evening on February 28, 2017 in initiation of Resource Centre for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC), different other CBOs, Community groups, Youth Volunteers and Metro Politan Traffic Police Department. The main objective of the campaign were : Ensuring safety of pedestrians proper infrastructure;Inclusive footpaths for all, safe zebra crossing with basic traffic amenities; and Discouraging overhead bridge as many people like senior citizens, porters, pregnant women and differently able peoples find it difficult. In the program, there was participation from different sectors like Metro Politan Traffic Department, Nepal Scout, Nepal Police, CSOs, volunteers and of course pedestrians.
Mr. Shanta Lall Mulmi, Executive Director of RECPHEC enlightened the objectives of the campaign. Similar, DSP Sabin Pradhan of Metro Politan Traffic Department, Mr. Ranjan Lal Shrestha from Nepal Scout, Mr. Ganapati Lal Shrestha representative and Mr. Deepak Prasad Shrestha from Kantipur Development Committee conferred their valuable remarks in the campaign.
Recognizing the continuous support from the Metro Politan Traffic Department and Nepal Scout on pedestrian rights issue, RECPHEC awarded the Appreciation Certificate to DSP Sabin Pradhan and Mr. Ranjan Lal Shrestha respectively. Then after, as the symbol of unity for the pedestrian rights, the Human Chain was created from the above respective guest, volunteers, differently able people, CSO representatives and pedestrians at Basantapur. Besides this, there was signature campaign also in which many pedestrians, government personnel, pedestrians, youth volunteers, CBOs and also from the Legendary Actor of Nepal “Shiv Shrestha”. It was followed by the flash mob, street drama and photo exhibition for whole day.
According to data of Metropolitan Traffic Police department, from year 2069 to 2072, 42 % of total death is of pedestrians in road accident in Kathmandu. And as per WHO, each year 270,000 pedestrian lose their life in road accidents. Our brief observation study showed that more than 5o% of observed sites did not have footpath at all. During the study one of pedestrian in Kathmandu said “Walking here is like walking in battlefield of Mahabharat”. We have a video made under this theme (link is shared below).Thus, with help of many likeminded organizations, groups and volunteers , our campaign focuses in the above issues to advocate for walking friendly environment and to ensure rights of pedestrians, with the messages to consider standard footpaths in each road designs, discourage overhead bridge and maintain zebra crossing with proper amenities.
We take this opportunity also to express our gratitude towards Metropolitan Traffic Police Division for their recent initiatives towards pedestrian right and their safety.